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When the All Around Strong brand started, blogging was in the vision. Though I have made quite a few posts over the years, it never got off the ground the way it was intended to as I have been more focused on growing the personal training and social media aspects of my business.

I recently designed a website for my wife's brand, Coping Trends. This a self help blog with professional resources, sponsored by All Around Strong, LLC. It has been about a week since the site launched and it's already off to an All Around Strong start. While designing the website, I was reminded of the power of writing and ultimately was inspired by my wife's blog to focus on restoring my blog. The interesting part about this is that right before building her website , I considered starting a Youtube channel. There are lots of pros associated with using this platform to creative content. For example it is simple to start a channel, content creators can grow their audience quickly and there is potential to make good money. Add to that, I am active on my Instagram page so the thought of creating content on a video platform was highly considered.

With that said, writing suits my personality. I'm naturally introverted and really enjoy the quietness of writing. There's something very calming about it and on a strong note; every benefit that video content offers is available to those of who create content via written word.


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